Ethical, legal and social issues

The establishment of the TransMedRi Biobank was determined by ethical and legislation regulations (the Good Clinical Practice and the Declaration of Helsinki). The use of data and samples is restricted to ethically and scientifically approved research. The Biobank TransMedRi, obtained every ethical document required by the Clinical Hospital Center Rijeka Ethical Committee (Krešimirova 42, Rijeka) and the Medical Faculty, University of Rijeka Ethical Committee for the bio-medical researching (Braće Branchetta 20, Rijeka). Moreover, each translational research separately requires the approval by the Clinical Hospital Center Rijeka Ethical Committee and the Medical Faculty, University of Rijeka Ethical Committee for bio-medical researching. Written informed consent, signed by bio-samples donor is required by ethical issue, after a physician gives full and complete explanation of biobanking activities and assures the sample donor of absolute confidentiality. Protection of donor’s privacy and associated data is given top priority by the TransMedRi Biobank. Access to the database is allowed exclusively to the members of the Clinical Hospital Center Rijeka Ethical Committee and the Medical Faculty, University of Rijeka Ethical Committee for bio-medical researching and coordinator of the specific Bank segment.